Be sure to check out part 2 of our guide for our offensive class tips and part 3 for our support class tips. Etrian odyssey nexus 世界樹の迷宮x sekaiju no meikyū cross is the sixth mainline installment in the etrian odyssey seriesas the last etrian game on the 3ds nexus brings together elements from all 5 mainline games.

Subclassing Synergy List Attempt Golden Deer Pub Community
Etrian odyssey nexus class tier list. For etrian odyssey v. The pugilist japanese name cestus is a class originating in etrian odyssey v. It offers 19 classes to use for your party of five drawing on all previous games for these classes and adding the hero as a new one. Depending on how they are built they are strong frontline offense classes and disablers. Classes and party composition form the backbone of any etrian odyssey experience and etrian odyssey nexus is no exception. For etrian odyssey nexus on the 3ds a gamefaqs message board topic titled so do we have a definitive tier list for the classes.
A total of 18 returning classes are available as party members with a 19th class the hero being the games new addition. Youd have more luck doing a tier list of party comps than individual classes because usually you end up with a couple classes that noticeably outshine everything else and the rest that fill specific niches very well. Etrian odyssey general vg video game generals is 4chans imageboard dedicated to the discussion of pc and console video games. The longtime trio of yuji himukai character designer shin nagasawa monster designer and yuzo koshiro composer return to bring life to etrian odyssey nexuss world. I also might update. Reviewetrian odyssey nexus is like mixing drinks at the soda fountain the list basically includes the class combinations suggested subclasses and key moves or skills to have.
Still the survivalist is a highly useful mid tier offense unit with a host of useful skills. They are designed around melee attacks like the monks from eoiii but have attacks that are either capable of bindings like the dark hunters or possess powerful attacks that cost hp to use like the highlanders. Recruit explorers from 19 classes spanning the entire etrian series including the brand new hero class before setting out to lemuria in search of treasure and glory. Beyond the myth on the 3ds a gamefaqs message board topic titled class tier list. Thats most of what you need to know about the balanced classes in etrian odyssey nexus. Dungeons from all across the series make a.
Which gets at why tier lists in etrian odyssey arent usually a thing.